Warm Weather Challenges: Ensuring Workplace Safety When the Sun is Shining

Summer is in full swing, bringing hot weather and relentless sunshine. As an employer, it’s your job to ensure workplace safety all year long. Here are some things to think about to help protect your employees during the brutal summer months.

Focus on Hydration

Dehydration is a very real threat when it’s hot outside. Employees who work in the heat need at least 8 ounces (1 full cup) of fluids every 20 minutes. Those who are outside for 2 hours or more at once need at least some of those fluids to contain electrolytes. The single biggest thing you can do for your workers is to provide unlimited access to both cool water and sports drinks.

Ventilate Your Building

If your facility isn’t air-conditioned, you’ll need to take steps to keep air flowing. Open all the doors and windows and bring in a large industrial fan. This will help sweat evaporate, keeping body temperatures from rising too high.

Provide Alternative Cooling Solutions

Misting fans create a fine water spray in the air, helping to keep employees a bit cooler. A frozen towel wrapped around the neck or a cold water bottle secured against the wrist will help bring body temperature down. These simple tricks can help your workers keep going even in extreme heat.

Minimize Sun Exposure

Keep your employees out of direct sunlight as much as you can. Consider installing tents over outdoor workspaces. Encourage team members to wear long-sleeved but lightweight shirts in white or another light color. Provide hats and make sunscreen readily available.

Mandate Rest Breaks

Employees working in high heat need a rest break at least every hour. Encourage them to hydrate and relax in the shade during this time. Offer a selection of salty snacks and high water content foods such as watermelon.

Learn to Recognize Heat-Related Illness

Heat-related illnesses can become deadly if not properly treated. Make sure your entire team knows the symptoms. If anyone develops any of these common signs, pull them from work immediately and offer fluids in the shade right away:

  • Nausea or stomach cramps
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Muscle spasms
  • Headache
  • Profuse sweating
  • Unusual tiredness

Summer heat is part of the job in light industrial roles. But it’s your job as a supervisor to keep your employees as safe as possible. Follow the tips above, and don’t be afraid to call 911 if anyone starts to show serious signs of heat-related illness, such as fainting or vomiting.

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