Job hunting can be a tricky task. From researching an employer to getting the interview, there are a number of steps to take. It may get confusing or exhausting at times, but one thing you can always control is your online presence.
Employers continue to evaluate applicants based on their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. If a hiring manager hasn’t met you in person, your online presence could keep you from landing the job you want. If you want to present yourself as an ideal candidate, make sure to keep your profiles and platforms professional.
Photos and Posts
If you’re like most people, you like to upload recent photos or post memes and new statuses. However, you should keep these in check. Photos or posts that fall into the categories of obscene, derogatory, or illegal should stay off of your profiles. These are red flags to employers. If you’re posting inappropriate content, they might think you’re too immature to take on a new position with their company.
Profile Name
It seems like a simple step, but correctly identifying yourself to an employer is very important. If you contact a hiring manager or comment on a company’s page, you should have your first and last name visible. Nicknames or ‘joke names’ are harmless on Instagram or Snapchat. However, if you’re reaching out to an employer on Facebook, LinkedIn, or another networking platform, make sure you present yourself as a serious candidate.
Resume Provided
When applying for a job via Facebook or LinkedIn, make sure your auto-generated resume is detailed and up-to-date. Employers like to see your current or most recent place of work listed first. Many companies use social media recruiting as a primary source for finding passive and active candidates. They also like to see that you’ve taken the time to outline what your position entails. A good rule of thumb for your resume length: keep it to one page only. You can still list a detailed work history without spilling over to another page.
Limited Usage
Want to know the easiest way to solidify a professional online presence? Use the ‘less is more’ theory! There are plenty of job seekers who post only ever-so-often. Some will delete their profiles altogether.
You don’t have to share everything on social media. That’s the great part about an in-person interview – you get to shine without needing a sepia-tone filter!
It’s ultimately up to you to decide how you present yourself to the world. Whether it’s online or in-person, you should put your best face forward. In 2019, you have the opportunity to show potential employers your value before you walk in the door. Take the time to accept this challenge and show how you will compliment the company’s overall values.