Sea to Shining Sea

Sea to Shining Sea

July 4th



Our country will be celebrating July 4th next week.  There will be fireworks, family picnics, building sandcastles and maybe (just maybe) a few adult beverages to enjoy.  And why not?  It’s America’s Independence Day.  As Richard Henry Lee of Virginia said in 1776:

Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved.”

Lee’s words were the impetus for the drafting of a formal Declaration of Independence.

Never forget

Never forget all the sacrifices that brave men and women (and their families) from then to now help to keep our homes and country safe.  They are all heroes, and some gave all.  My Uncle Ed was our family’s storyteller.  At 16 years old, he enlisted during World War II, like so many others and served his country, our country, for 36 years. The love of this country and his profound honor would not allow him to not serve.

Death of a President

Below is a letter that my uncle Ed sent to his children (my cousins) in 1963, when he heard of the death of President John F. Kennedy.  This is his entire letter…

“Children, today we had news that shocked and stunned the entire world.  The President of the United States was dead.  Killed by the bullet of an assassin.  For some insane reason known only to himself.  You children are much too young to understand what has just happened.  So, I write this letter while the sorrow still fills my heart.  Then, when you are older, this letter may help you understand the sadness that this evil deed has brought to Americans, and all freedom loving people.

Today, I have seen German women crying in the street.  Men standing in groups, too stunned to speak.  I have seen Sergeants with more than twenty years in the Army with tears running down their cheeks.  Their sorrow and anger were unashamed.  Their feelings bared.  For the first time in my life, I knew what it was like to love your country.  Not just to say it but really mean it.  That’s the purpose of this letter.

Your mother and I teach you the meaning of God.  We teach you to have good manners and to be polite.  To respect the rights of all people.  But we have overlooked one important thing.  We haven’t told you that you are among the most fortunate children in the world.  You are Americans.  You should grow up with the love of it in your heart, and the praise of it on your lips.  But, most of all, ready to die in her defense.  I keep remembering the words of General MacArthur, he said. “First, last, and always, Duty, Honor and Country.

Children, we have lost a president and I lost a Commander in Chief.  I was more than surprised to find that it was just like losing a member of the family.  When next you make your pledge to the flag at school, remember John F. Kennedy, who twice laid his life on the line for his country.  The first time as a young Navy LT., in World War II, where he was wounded and never fully recovered from the back injury.  Then, at the age of 46 and for the salary of $1 a year, serving in the highest office the United States can offer.  He gave his life for the country he loved.  God Bless You, Daddy”

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