National Suicide Prevention Month
Did you know, that on average, one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes? As a result, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has designated September as National Suicide Prevention Month. The month of September shines a spotlight on a topic that is not often talked about. The mental health of yourself or a loved one can never be taken too seriously.
Everyone is Affected
Everyone is affected by suicide, not just the victim. Moreover, suicide impacts family and friends long after the loss of a loved one. Two-thirds of the people who commit suicide suffer from depression. Meanwhile, there are an average of 123 suicides each day in this country. It’s the tenth leading cause of death in America, the second leading cause for ages 25-34 and the third leading cause for ages 15-24.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
In 2020, the U.S. took a big step forward with the enactment of the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act. This bill was advocated by NAMI and it created a nationwide three-digit number (988) to assist people experiencing a mental health or suicidal crisis. The FCC determined that this number will be available by both phone and text! This 988 number is now available in communities across the country. NAMI is here to help.
One way to help prevent suicide is to increase access to treatment for depression. However, identifying depression can be difficult. And not all people who suffer from depression will show signs. Most importantly, the first step is to identify someone who is suffering from depression and/or contemplating suicide. Talking to the person involved and asking about their thoughts can decrease the trigger of a suicidal action. Suggesting a counselor or treatment for depression is also a big help.
A Caring Friend
Very often, people who are depressed need a caring friend. A common fallacy is that people who talk about suicide never act on it. If a friend or loved one is talking about suicide, don’t wait, it’s time to get them help!
Whether it is the weight of a long-term struggle or a crisis that weighs you down, allowing friends, family or a professional to lighten the burden, just might be the light at the end of that very dark tunnel.
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